Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Change of Seasons

Here I am in the middle of a qualitative analysis course, overcoming a hurdle or three, and suddenly feeling much better about everything. School is more fun, both the giving and the taking, and my seven seconds of free time each week are being better utilized.

I need to go do a little flying. I want to get a lot of writing done, and I get a really long weekend. Life is good

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm baaaaack

Work, family and school have made for a wild ride. Settling in enough to write a little bit in the ol' blog. The observations for the qualitative class are interesting, the change of the season is always fun, and the riotous political scene has become almost unintelligible. Who would have guessed you can use a potential president's own word and inflections and have them seem outrageously funny? (Well, except for that one show about W. that he had taken off the air.) An americanized version of the Taliban would still be the Taliban. Intolerance and hate have gone far enough in this country; time to take it back. Do we have a long enough attention span? hmmmm...............

Thursday, August 21, 2008

school beginneth and taketh away some of my time

success is being right where you know you belong
-k thompson

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


funny how you let things go sometimes, usually when you need them the most, any habit can be established or broken in 30 days...and here I am still being the junky for the blog

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hey there kiddies

Summer is a playground and I have tried all of the swings and ladders and teetertotters, and merrygorounds!!

SO far I have taught six rocket classes, one cooking class, interned at a TV station/radio station, been to San Fran, slept late, got up at 4 in the morning, and went golfing a few times. Oh, yeah I got older too.

Next up, Minn Minn and Web 2.0, can life get better than this?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

On and On

If you want to know where not to go if you go to San Francisco I can give you the lowdown. Saw the Frida at the SFMOMA great! Yank Sing, Great!! E' Tutto Qua OMG!!! If you can't say nothing nice then don't say anything at all about the Carnelian Room, (bleah)

Friday, June 13, 2008


It has been a very long week in my statistics class. If I get through this week I hear it gets better and better. I like better. If summer comes here I will have to juggle a lot of activities. Right now with the rain and cold I will just keep plugging away at school.

On a lighter note, the igniter has fallen out of my grill.
(think about it)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Week 14 (yeah 14)

A day late but more than a dollar short. Mortgage company took out two payments instead of one. Technology is great if you have unlimited power to mess with other peoples lives. Beware of how much power you grant to big companies. Insurance, banks, oil, just to name a few; these entities don't care about anything but the bottom line. Now I get to begin writing letters until I turn blue to recoup the overdraft charges.

On the upside, I got to play music, practice what passes for my golf swing, and eat sushi.

Life is good!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week 13???


There I was, having a backyard party. In attendance were a former LA laker, a three time gold medal Olympic freestyle skiing coach, a stunt double for Richard Dreyfuss (and occasional golf partner with Glenn Campbell), a millionaire, two 13 year olds, a dog and a future BMX bike legend.

It is amazing how people include you in their lives, as well as the affect it can have on one who is being included. Inclusion is one of the primary themes in my work. It is not just about being included, but finding ways to include others. I am still amazed by how much better other people are at this than I am. Something for me to work on...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

WEEK 12 post: About last week

Last weeks post looked really good on one browser, a little askew in another, and was a complete disaster in the last one I viewed. Sorry about that folks...

End of class blues, especially with the class you wish could go on forever. People you enjoy hearing from and sharing with get involved in their own battles in other arenas. One of the benefits of the information age is an ever growing ease of access to other peoples lives on agreeable terms.

I have been told it take 30 days to make or break a habit. Hopefully posting to this blog has become habitual for me. Check back next week to find out. Thanks to all who have read and contributed.

More soon

Thursday, May 15, 2008

WEEK 11 Blogging on and on

Now I see how to...

Last week I was experimenting with font size and tried to import an entire html page. (not allowed by blogger) That is the biggest thing I think I have internalized from all of the years of gaming I have done; try stuff! If the electrons won't line up for you one way try something different. No electrons will be harmed, hit reset, and try, try again.

The title for last week was supposed to look like this.

Bloggity blog blog blog....

The quest is to keep life interesting and fun. I took Green Goddess dressing to school and most the other teachers said they had never heard of it. Trying new paths has never been easier thanks to our techno world. This freedom to explore never ceases to amaze me. Every time we think we have conquered the last, latest and best, along comes someone with something new and amazing.

I thought I was a pretty good bicyclist, even got the unicycle thing down for a while. Then along comes my son. http://www.verdebmx.com/2008/ I don't ride a bicycle anymore; in fact I am scared just to walk next to him most of the time. Watch the clip, he plays video games too, who says they never get out and do anything in the fresh air.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

WEEK 10 Bloggity blog blog blog

They say if you buy a certain kind of car you suddenly begin to notice how many of them there are on the road. I know this was true when I bought my white Jeep; suddenly there were millions of them. Eerily, the last ten weeks have made me wonder if this same phenomenon occurs when taking a class. Without and prompting on my part, conversations and school problems would revolve week to week around the same topic we have been studying in class.

It happened this week with the Learning Objects, all week, when not complaining about database woes; we pondered the same questions in our discussion forum. Same thing last week with LSM/LCSM struggles as we implemented a testing platform. (Shouldn’t someone tell the companies who develop testing programs for schools that there are security issues with allowing students to save to the desktop and other places they may not have permissions for?)

And so we blog, as the pieces fall together...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

WEEK 9 Reflections

The more I play with the possibilities, even the most trivial stuff like putting the text on the right, the more I can see opportunities for learning.

Today I was in a conversation about how to get the students to see things in new ways.

I pointed out that first we need to get them to see things.

I admire my students

the ones


keep plugging

away until the very end

no matter how well or poorly they are doing

Too often I encounter quitters who are trying to mitigate their own short comings

by claiming that the prize doesn't matter

doing well isn't as big a deal

as just doing something



maggie and milly and molly and may

by e. e. cummings

and don't forget to become a better person by going to www.freerice.com

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

WEEK 8 and the thoughts which have been thunk

Why I study hard is also the reason I stop from time to time. I spent part of my summer on Bear Island, Maine. No Internet, no phone, no mosquito netting...

Here are my two favorite bears.

That said, wow, what a week. Our little hospital waiting room of a class keeps finding tech based solutions to staying on task, cool. The support of our work from fellow students is more than I have seen in any class, be it brick and mortar or online. This leads me to believe (yeah I used the "believe" word, ain't blogs grand) technology based communication may be one of the best collaborative tools available. I spent my school collaboration day helping one of my science teacher friends edit some video, and bringing us closer as colleagues. Rose Ann keeps sending me to new and fascinating web opportunities whose opportunities to download toolbars has rendered windows Internet explorer even more useless than it was when I began this course. To top it off I got a Skype reminder that today was Pam Eder's birthday; giving me an excuse to give her a Skype call instead of just a chat.

The projects are impressive, the people I have surrounded myself with are great, and the learning experience enormous. Virtually, a great place to be.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


coming soon to a website near you

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Week 7 thoughts and stuff that are a lot like thoughts

What a week. It started out with a Sunday and skipped right away to Thursday at 9:06 p.m. local which is 7:36 a. m. in Afghanistan. Every one in the course seems to be a week or two ahead of me. I get requests to check out their presentations (which I love to do) and my recording time slips away in chunks too small for me to record in anyway.

I learned over the years that a minute of great quality recording takes about an hour to produce. I also discovered how really hard it is to not look goofy on a web cam. I need more practice or more mood altering substances to make me look natural. I am thinking of doing out takes for the end of my pod cast if it doesn't turn into one big out take/laugh track inducing farce.

On another note, hmmmm, (that was Be sharp) I find it interesting to be working on a project that will serve a dual role. A podcast can be used in synchronous or asynchronous form. If a class contains repetitive material, an instructor can record it before hand and introduce it while taking role. If there are any students absent the material is there for them in an asynchronous form.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Week 6 thoughts

The halfway mark,

I started this course thinking I would be able to use all of the stuff I knew to breeze through.
Wrong! I am happy I had the background, but I am also thrilled with how much new information and experience I am acquiring here. The requirement to communicate our thoughts in so many venues for such an extended period may lead to new habits. Readings pushing us to rethink how far we have come, and how far we still need to travel, provide discussions outside the classroom as I engage peers and colleagues in the lunchroom. All in all, I am having fun with this.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Week 5 thoughts

I was discussing my course with a colleague today. I began assessing all of the different ways we are expected to communicate in this course: RSS, blog, wiki, e-mail, class discussion threads (2 for the week, plus the cafe), skype chat, phone calls, video chat, group chat, chat with the instructor, chat with the instructor and at least one other student...

I'm certain I missed something in there, like I missed the "By Thursday of each week" (I was thinking it was Sunday, my bad) All of this coupled with the readings has at times left me wondering how I have had time to get involved with facebook, twitter, diigo, and juice all at the same time.

Knowing how and when to use the various synchronous and asynchronous communication is the big lesson I take away this week. Can't wait for the next drink from the fire hose.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Week 4 thoughts

Here we are another week into the blogosphere, even if it is only the equivalent of dipping ones toes in shallow end of the pool. After having read several blogs outside our circle, I have found a spectrum of uses and users. There are the true believers, reading hundreds of blogs a week, and there are those who see this as a waning fad. Once perspective is put on the objectives and goals of why one is blogging or using a wiki, or e-mail, or a chat room, the selected communication platform makes more sense.
Urgency in communication requires the synchronous communication provided by a phone call or a chat room. Wiki’s and blogs create a more lasting record of interaction. In an education setting this can provide huge benefits for students and teachers. Automation of grading and feedback, individualization of instruction, and minimizing paperwork are just the tip of the iceberg. In the Richardson book, “Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms, he relates a story of an entire class being afforded the opportunity to interact with the author of one of the books they were reading. This has to be one of the ultimate forms of team teaching.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Reflections week 3.1

As I try to find the right file to put all of this new information in, I see the need for collaborative effort in the blogosphere to be the primary function. If you never want anyone to read your thoughts, wrong place! If you are afraid to invite others or vistit other peoples sites, Wrong place! If you are afraid of the future, other people, other peoples thoughts, or just about anything but spiders...you guessed it wrong place.

Thursday, March 13, 2008