Thursday, May 22, 2008

WEEK 12 post: About last week

Last weeks post looked really good on one browser, a little askew in another, and was a complete disaster in the last one I viewed. Sorry about that folks...

End of class blues, especially with the class you wish could go on forever. People you enjoy hearing from and sharing with get involved in their own battles in other arenas. One of the benefits of the information age is an ever growing ease of access to other peoples lives on agreeable terms.

I have been told it take 30 days to make or break a habit. Hopefully posting to this blog has become habitual for me. Check back next week to find out. Thanks to all who have read and contributed.

More soon


Mrs. Morris said...


With Twitter, Skype, and Diigo the class can go on, and on, and on! That's another benefit of the information age. Something new is I am invited to a wedding tomorrow, all online! How's that for technology?

It was a great class, something about it allowed some real bonds to form. We learned a lot. And hopefully we learned how to keep learning.

I wish you the best for next quarter and throughout your program. And since we are Skyping right now, I know that will continue, and I'll see you this summer. I look forward to meeting your wife and many of our classmates.

Create the best PLN you can and stick with it. Try lots of new things each week. Enjoy!

Reviewer said...


It's been great chatting with you this semester. I'm also hopeful that I'll keep up with blogging, although in a different location. Good luck to you with keeping up with it too!