Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hey there kiddies

Summer is a playground and I have tried all of the swings and ladders and teetertotters, and merrygorounds!!

SO far I have taught six rocket classes, one cooking class, interned at a TV station/radio station, been to San Fran, slept late, got up at 4 in the morning, and went golfing a few times. Oh, yeah I got older too.

Next up, Minn Minn and Web 2.0, can life get better than this?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

On and On

If you want to know where not to go if you go to San Francisco I can give you the lowdown. Saw the Frida at the SFMOMA great! Yank Sing, Great!! E' Tutto Qua OMG!!! If you can't say nothing nice then don't say anything at all about the Carnelian Room, (bleah)