Thursday, May 15, 2008

WEEK 11 Blogging on and on

Now I see how to...

Last week I was experimenting with font size and tried to import an entire html page. (not allowed by blogger) That is the biggest thing I think I have internalized from all of the years of gaming I have done; try stuff! If the electrons won't line up for you one way try something different. No electrons will be harmed, hit reset, and try, try again.

The title for last week was supposed to look like this.

Bloggity blog blog blog....

The quest is to keep life interesting and fun. I took Green Goddess dressing to school and most the other teachers said they had never heard of it. Trying new paths has never been easier thanks to our techno world. This freedom to explore never ceases to amaze me. Every time we think we have conquered the last, latest and best, along comes someone with something new and amazing.

I thought I was a pretty good bicyclist, even got the unicycle thing down for a while. Then along comes my son. I don't ride a bicycle anymore; in fact I am scared just to walk next to him most of the time. Watch the clip, he plays video games too, who says they never get out and do anything in the fresh air.


Anonymous said...


Are you loosing your vision? ;-) Wow, that second part is not easy to read. BTW - if you want the house project... I can email you the Word file. It's going well so far. Some of the kids are already drawing their blueprints.

racheltustin said...

What house project? I want my kids to design a "green house" next year when we study energy.

racheltustin said...

What house project? I want my kids to design a "green house" next year when we study energy.

Mrs. Morris said...


How old is your son? The video I saw was someone with the last name Barrett, is that your son? I am not so sure what to say about the video. It is not that I am old, am I old? I just do not share an interest in that style. I have owned a racing bike and traveled many miles it in, not racing though. I grew up on a bike and a skateboard. They were part of my daily ritual.

So, are you pleased with the font experiment you were doing? What has it lead to?

You are right about several things in your post, in my humble opinion. There will always be something more to learn. I need to learn how to fully use my iPhone, for example. The pictures on my blog came from it. And, yes, we need to change horses often as teachers of young minds. I try to do at least four activities each day in my classroom, shake it up a little. They seem to need the fast pace and the variety.

Have a great week exploring life.

icarusxat said...

so many questions, so little time...

the second part took on a life of its own. I tried and failed to get the font back to normal. I could have erased and started over, but my point was better served. Thank you for the house project, I will use it.

Dave or David Thompson and bmx will get you some interesting things a kid can do if he really wants to.

more soon

Musabbir Chowdhury said...


Good idea of testing the font size, although it create major usability issues. What was the font size you used anyway?


icarusxat said...

I just looked at this last post on a different browser than the one i normally use, wow what a mess. Just goes to show there are still limits in what one can do with a blog site