Why I study hard is also the reason I stop from time to time. I spent part of my summer on Bear Island, Maine. No Internet, no phone, no mosquito netting...
Here are my two favorite bears.
That said, wow, what a week. Our little hospital waiting room of a class keeps finding tech based solutions to staying on task, cool. The support of our work from fellow students is more than I have seen in any class, be it brick and mortar or online. This leads me to believe (yeah I used the "believe" word, ain't blogs grand) technology based communication may be one of the best collaborative tools available. I spent my school collaboration day helping one of my science teacher friends edit some video, and bringing us closer as colleagues. Rose Ann keeps sending me to new and fascinating web opportunities whose opportunities to download toolbars has rendered windows Internet explorer even more useless than it was when I began this course. To top it off I got a Skype reminder that today was Pam Eder's birthday; giving me an excuse to give her a Skype call instead of just a chat.
The projects are impressive, the people I have surrounded myself with are great, and the learning experience enormous. Virtually, a great place to be.